
What can yarrow tea be used for?
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a medicinal herb with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antihemorrhagic properties. It can be used externally in the form of compresses or even masks, but it is also great internally - drunk as a tincture, tea, or even wine.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) Dried Herb | Biokoma
The active compounds of yarrow are a volatile oil, containing a- and b- pinenes; acetate, borneol, caryophyllene, eugenol, farnesene, myrcene, salicylic acid, thujone, cineole, camphene, camphor, gamma terpinene, isoartemisia ketone, chamazulene, limonene, sabinene and tricyclene and esquiterpene lactones.
Knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare) Dried Herb | Biokoma
A good herb for the respiratory tract. Because knotgrass contains silicic acid it may be helpful in strengthening the connective tissue of the lungs and in Europe it has been used as a remedy for pulmonary tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis.

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Did you know that herbs can support weight loss?
A slimming diet requires reducing caloric intake and physical activity. Weight loss can be supported by herbal teas. Herbs contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and flavonoids that strengthen the body and improve its functioning, e.g. by helping to improve metabolism, reduce appetite, regulate glycemia or improve kidney function.
Is Hibiscus tea good for you?

Hibiscus is a plant with characteristic, beautiful flowers, cultivated in many countries primarily for ornamental purposes. The flowers are also used to make hibiscus tea. Hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure, regulates cholesterol levels, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic properties, strengthens the immune system - these are just some of the health-promoting properties of hibiscus. What else does hibiscus help with?

Moringa Leaves - superfood
Due to its nutritional value, Moringa has been classified as a superfood, i.e. one of the healthiest products in the world.