Achillea millefolium
Yarrow Organic Dried Herb
Yarrow is a miracle plant of sorts due to its strong ability to improve both the skin and internal health naturally. One of the most beneficial effects of this powerful herb is its ability to soothe symptoms of the respiratory system. Studies suggest that yarrow herb may also boost wound healing and help with digestion.
Salvia Hispanica L.
Chia Organic Seeds
Chia seeds are the small, white, brown or black seeds of the Salvia hispanica chia plant native to Mexico and Guatemala. They have been known for years. Chia seeds were one of the most important ingredients of the Mayan and Aztec diet. The word "chia" in the Mayan language actually means "strength." Chia seeds have gained popularity in recent years due to their health properties.
Organic Herbs
USDA Certified