5 Herbs For Boosting The Immune System

5 Herbs For Boosting The Immune System
Herbs are the most natural forms of medicine. Directly taken from nature, the use of plants to treat common (and uncommon) ailments can be traced as far back as the earliest civilizations.

If the recent pandemic taught us anything, it’s that our bodies require additional support to ward off viruses, infections and disease. While modern medicine can do wonders for the human body, we must remember the blueprint behind science’s biggest discoveries: Herbs.

More often than not, our everyday diets are not enough to sustain our immune systems - That’s where herbal teas and supplements come into play!

Here are 5 herbs that can boost the immune system:
  • Blackthorn Fruit (Prunus spinosa)
  • Elderberries (Sambucus nigra)
  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
  • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea)
  • White Willow Bark (Salix alba)
So, how exactly does herbs help you to ward off illness? By specifically targeting the immune system, of course!

The immune system is made up of the cells, organs and tissues that keep our bodies from getting ill. It plays a vital role in fighting off sickness by attacking any toxins that enter the body. Common issues like catching the flu are resolved by the immune system.

When we consume supplements that aim to address weakness(es) in our immune system, we are giving our bodies a fighting chance against these toxins.

Let’s start off with the easiest to locate on this list: Blackthorn Fruit.

Photo of Blackthorn fruit - Fine Dining Lovers

Blackthorn Fruit For Immune Health

Whether you know these berries as blackthorn fruit or sloes, the Prunus spinosa plant is incredibly common to find. They have been spotted in various parts of Europe, Asia, New Zealand and Tasmania, as well as the northern parts of America and the African continent.

Due to their small, blue appearance, they are easily mistaken for blueberries. However, it’s important to note the differences between the two. For one, blueberries are incredibly sweet fruits, while blackthorn berries taste more bitter and sour.

If you like that taste, then you can consume blackthorn berries without much preparation. Otherwise, it’s recommended that the berries be cooked: This can then be made into jams, jellies or sauces.

Whatever your preference is, you should still consider adding sloes to your diet. Their benefits are just that potent!

Blackthorn fruit helps support your immune system by lowering the risk of chronic disease -- Chronic diseases, for eg: cancer and diabetes, can prove fatal when our immune systems are weak.

Fortunately, the nutrients found in blackthorn berries have compounds called tannins. Tannins are known for their antioxidant properties, which significantly reduces the chance of developing chronic disease(s).

Some other health benefits of blackthorn fruit include:
  • Relieves upset stomach;
  • Addresses kidney and bladder problems;
  • Acts as both a laxative and a diuretic; and
  • Treats coughs, colds and breathing conditions.
Like sloes, our next herbal supplement is a fruit: Specifically, Elderberry.

Photo of Elderberry fruit - Biokoma Herbs

Elderberries For Immune Support

Known for their sweet taste, elderberries (or Sambucus nigra) are found in most parts of the United States. They are so common, in fact, that you may even have some in your very own backyard.

Elderberries are loaded with vitamins and minerals, including dietary fibre, vitamin C, phenolic acids and anthocyanins. Together, these vitamins and minerals give the elderberry plant its anti-inflammatory effects.

According to some sources, elderberries also have a significant effect against viral infections.

During this 2004 study, patients who were sick with influenza were given 15ml of elderberry syrup four times per day. After about 2-4 days, their symptoms showed major signs of improvement, confirming that elderberries can boost the body’s defense against disease when consumed.

Another study used capsules instead of syrup, but it yielded similar results. After receiving elderberry capsules three times per day, patients did not have severe symptoms. They also recovered from the illness quicker than those who did not take elderberry extract.

Photo of Elderberries (Sambucus nigra) Organic Dried Fruits - Biokoma Herbs

Apart from reducing symptoms and fighting off infections, some other benefits of elderberries include:
  • Induces sweating (diaphoretic);
  • Protects cells against damage;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels; and
  • Moderates the digestive process.

If you’d like to create your very own elderberry syrup, or prefer to eat the berries whole, then the Biokoma Elderberries (Sambucus nigra) Organic Dried Fruits is perfect for you. Filled with berries only, you’ll be pleased with just how much you can get out of a single packet.


Photo of Yarrow herbal blend - Biokoma Herbs

Yarrow For Immune Support

Yarrow has many aliases: Nosebleed, Devil’s Nettle, Carpenter’s Plant, Old Man’s Pepper, and so much more! Whatever you call it, the Achillea millefolium plant is best characterized by its tiny, clustered blossoms and wispy leaves.

The immune system requires Vitamin B3 (Niacin) to reduce damage to the lungs, and yarrow provides these nutrients and thensome!

More research is needed to confirm the effects that yarrow tea may have on the human immune system. However, recent studies on rats have highlighted numerous benefits.

In one study, the use of yarrow prevented memory loss and physical impairments associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

While this study featured rats at the forefront, there’s no telling what scientific discoveries may come out of this for humans!


Photo of Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) Organic Dried Herb - Biokoma Herbs

Other reported benefits of drinking yarrow tea include:

  • Induces sweating;
  • Treats fevers and colds;
  • Manages loss of appetite; and
  • Relieves gastrointestinal discomfort.

The use of yarrow for the stomach dates back generations. While a lot of its benefits are shared mainly through word of mouth, it remains one of the most popular herbal remedies for digestive problems.

Consider trying out the boosting effects of Achillea millefolium yourself with Biokoma’s Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) Organic Dried Herb. Each pack holds 50g of dried leaves, which make for the perfect immunity-boosting herbal tea.


Photo of Purple Coneflower herbal blend - Biokoma Herbs

Purple Coneflower for Immune Support

Cousins with the daisy, Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea) is well known in the herbal medicine industry, and for good reason! The flowers, roots and leaves can all be extracted and used for better overall health.

So, what is purple coneflower good for?

A study confirmed that regular consumption of purple coneflower tea can relieve symptoms of cold and flu. Subjects who drank tea for 5 days felt better than subjects who hadn't drank any of it during their illness.

It's efficient in preventing cold and flu if taken at the first sign of sickness, for eg: runny nose and fever. There are also several studies that confirm drinking tea with echinacea extract may reduce the severity of common symptoms!


Photo of Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea) Organic Dried Herb - Biokoma Herbs

If 10 milligrams of echinacea extract is taken per 1 kilogram of bodyweight over the course of 10 days, the immune system may stand a fighting chance against sickness, according to the US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. This is considered as an “immunity stimulant”.

Purple coneflower also contains nutrients like inulin and Vitamin C, which are important in boosting the immune system.

Besides relieving cold and flu symptoms, there are other benefits of purple coneflower tea:

  • Acts as a laxative;
  • Helps combat cancer;
  • Fights off common infections; and
  • Relieves upper-respiratory problems.

If that was enough to highlight the cold-fighting effects of this herb, then our Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea) Organic Dried Herb may now be on your radar! Made entirely from the echinacea leaves, this tea can be brewed in minutes for long-lasting benefits to your immune support.


Photo of White Willow Bark herbal blend - Biokoma Herbs

White Willow Bark For Immune Support

Known for its pain-relieving abilities, the Salix alba plant is a great addition to any diet. Especially for those of us who need natural alternatives to pain medication.

It is often compared to aspirin because they both share a compound known as salicin. This chemical allows white willow bark to take the place of over-the-counter painkillers, as it provides the same relief that they do.

One study confirmed that white willow bark effectively improved symptoms of neck and lower back pain within a small study.

However, a larger study would yield similar results for persons hospitalized with osteoarthritis. Their pain was felt in either the knee or hip, but still proved that white willow bark can reduce pains found within the joint.


Photo of Organic Biokoma White Willow Bark Dried Cut - Biokoma Herbs

Some sources have also claimed that consuming white willow bark can also address headaches, menstrual cramps and musculoskeletal pain.

Additionally, the bark of the white willow plant holds antibiotic and antifungal properties. This aids in keeping dangerous bacteria out of our bodies.

Drinking white willow bark for pain is the easy part, but finding a reputable distributor is a different story. Fortunately for you, Biokoma’s Organic White Willow Bark Dried Cut is available online. Simply brew your cup and feel your pains slowly ebb away!

Should You Take These Herbs Together?

Yes! You can consume blackthorn berries, elderberries, yarrow, purple coneflower and white willow bark together. If you couldn’t, then we wouldn’t be able to introduce our Immunizing Organic Blend.

Together, these herbs provide support to your immune system in ways they couldn’t do on their own! Instead of sourcing the ingredients for this herbal blend yourself, consider trying our exclusive infusion here.


Photo of Immunizing Organic Blend - Biokoma Herbs

Final Thoughts

The immune system can only do so much without some help from Mother Nature. In this post, we highlighted 5 herb for boosting the immune system:

  • Blackthorn Fruit (Prunus spinosa)
  • Elderberries (Sambucus nigra)
  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
  • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea)
  • White Willow Bark (Salix alba)

While not many studies have been conducted in this area, Blackthorn Fruit has been proven to hold many antioxidants which can lower the risk of chronic disease and support the immune system. These berries are also great for treating ailments like the common cold and upset stomach.

Unlike Blackthorn Fruit, Elderberries have been studied for their effects on treating viral diseases. Those who consume extracts from these berries have reportedly recovered from sickness much quicker than those who didn’t. Along with that, Elderberries can also lower cholesterol.

A herb of many names, the Yarrow plant is a great contender against appetite problems. Unfortunately, there are not many studies on human test subjects. However, word-of-mouth has spread throughout the herbal medicine industry to highlight Yarrow’s effects on boosting the immune system.

Purple Coneflower have been analyzed across countless studies! Not only does this plant minimize the severity of respiratory problems, but this tea also offers relief from sickness much sooner when consumed. Additionally, Purple Coneflower strengthens the immune system against infections.

Known as nature’s very own aspirin, White Willow Bark promises the most pain relief! Whether it’s a headache, joint pain or menstrual cramps, this herbal tea is believed to rival some over-the-counter painkillers. White Willow Bark also contains nutrients that are both antibiotic and antifungal.

Combining the positives of all 5 plants, our Immunizing Organic Blend features the properties needed to boost and strengthen your immune system.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.


  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9143125/
  • https://www.drhauschka.de/en/cosmos/values/organic-raw-materials-from-around-the-world/medicinal-plant-glossary/blackthorn/
  • https://www.rxlist.com/blackthorn/supplements.htm
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/elderberry#health-benefits
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15080016/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4848651/
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/yarrow-tea#4.-May-aid-brain-health
  • https://www.rxlist.com/yarrow/supplements.htm
  • https://draxe.com/nutrition/echinacea-benefits/
  • https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/willow-bark#:~:text=The%20bark%20of%20white%20willow,inflammatory%20effects%20of%20the%20herb